From being lost to clarity 

Have in your near relations ran into a wall, into experiences that feel unexplainable and makes you feel bad and causes fears, and that you can't seem to prevent with your actions or person? They just continue with an increasing force and grow into proportions that look uncontrollable?
Have you experienced a feeling of anxiety in your surroundings due to the continuous threats and the senseless and inhuman ways that people treat other human beings, just as they treat mother nature, whose abuse doesn't seem to have an end?
I have experienced all that and have acknowledged it on my own level, but I'm also aware of that I earlier couldn't define what it was and most importantly what caused it - i.e. I couldn't get any answers and therefore no clarity in the problem that caused the pain.
Now I have insight and have understood - after I focused thoroughly in Alkuajatus and all of it's complements (the 12:th time is ongoing) - why I have felt bad and experienced fear.
Moreover, I now understand what I have lost the past 35 wasted years that I really didn't live, and this only because I couldn't anywhere in this world find rational signs to show me a direction at any point under my journey.
Without the guidance of Alkuajatus I wouldn't be right here and now writing these words, it would have been completely impossible.
Not until I about 16 months ago understood and realized (i.e. when I could define what is what) what simple and only reason causes all this, did all of the (read: absolutely all) thoughts that caused bad feelings, spiritual pain and fears cease to disturb me in any way; threats had no longer even the slightest influence on me.
This balanced emotional state, which was made possible solely and exclusively by Alkuajatus, hasn't moved anywhere after that - it has become my everyday life and that is a good base to move from to the next goal in my life.
Therefore I'm especially happy having heard about the upcoming leader(?) courses for The Insight Evenings in Finland, which also start in Sweden in the near future.
With autumn greetings I wish to all the readers of this the same life-quality growing kick "in the butt" I got from Alkuajatus.
Alkuajatus is a good route to slowly but certainly and step by step approach the answers one is seeking.

Kari Immonen
Phone: +46 (0)73-663 57 89 - Skype: kimmonen1 - Email: info(a)